Instapaper Pro 2.2 is now available, and it supports pagination (in addition to the existing scrolling interface):
After the previous version’s release, I took a break from reading on the iPhone and read everything on the Kindle. I learned that I much preferred pagination to scrolling — even tilt scrolling — and that pagination is part of what makes the Kindle reading experience so great. So I spent a long time experimenting with different methods to bring pagination to the iPhone, and I finally found a solution that, while simplistic, allows any mix of pagination and scrolling in the dynamic web content that Instapaper is ideal for reading. I now prefer pagination to tilt scrolling. You can toggle between them with the Pagination switch in the Settings screen.
I like this. I've been reading a lot of books on the iPhone Kindle app, so I've gotten really used to its pagination interface vs the scrolling interface that Instapaper's historically had. A couple of days ago while reading an article in Instapaper, I realized that I'm constantly trying to scroll exactly one page's worth at a time. Which is... distracting.
So, yes: pagination.