This morning, I woke up and opened up Twitter on my phone to find this tweet already open. (It reads: "In a room with a view in Florence for New Years.")
Which is weird, and I've no idea how this happened (cosmic weirdness? iPhone bug?), since I hadn't even read Twitter since last night, and I certainly hadn't left this tweet open. But there it was, and my immediate thought was--New Years, already!--sadness at another year having passed, quickly and (relatively) quietly.
Then I checked my mail, and upon reading a campaign email from Michelle Obama I--yes--almost teared up at this:
"This time next year, I don't want us to have any regrets."
Totally out of context of the original email, of course. And I wasn't expecting that reaction. But.
A couple minutes later, I opened the Music app, and upon opening it saw Florence + the Machine's "Shake it Out", which, you know, begins, "regrets collect, like old friends", paused and ready to play.
So I played it.
I don't know that it all means anything (other than the magic of random things seeming connected or causally related). But then again, I don't know that any moments are meaningful unless you choose to give them meaning.
2011 was a year. 2012 will be a new one. And if I had a resolution, it'd be that I'll choose the 2012 that I want to have, rather than it choosing me.