I can rest peacefully now, my prayers being answered: I like Pet Sounds. [1]
For years, I've had this thing about Pet Sounds, because it's always at the top of greatest-rock/pop-album-ever lists, &c., and I'm always just like, eh?
What finally brought me around was my love for Dios, & by extension, their love for the Beach Boys. & but also my realization/appreciation of the extreme sadness of Pet Sounds. The hummed (?) melody in "You Still Believe in Me"—which Dios nicks wholesale in "Fifty Cents"—has to be one of the most haunting melodies ever.
So, then: I am content.
[1] Indie-Yuppie, moi? "You might be an indie-yuppie if you put on a CD and secretly pray that you'll like it."