So here's the thing: I've watched the American Idol finales for each of the last couple of of seasons, and every time, they're always the same boring old bullshit, with performances from each of the final contestants, clips of their families, endless commercials, &c.
And so but this year, I've been so into Lost, and Lost's finale overlapped with American Idol, so being without dual-tuner-DVR, I had to forego the American Idol finale, figuring I'd just miss the usual drawn-out mess.
But: no, not this year!
I missed Prince--playing "Lolita", even!--& Clay Aiken [1], and I was oh so sad. Thankfully, there's YouTube to make it all better!
[1] Clay's performance was kind of... creepy.
But the weirdest thing was, when I first watched it on YouTube, it was all grainy & the sound wasn't that good, and I hadn't read about it being a Clay impersonator, &c. And so I was kind of like, what the fuck, has Clay always been this bad & I've just been so wrong for all this time? But then, no, Clay came out, and then all was at least partially right with the world.