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November 12, 2006


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Michael Sippey

holy cow.  do you ever sleep?  or am i just so far gone from Life Before Children that i can't imagine being able to consume books at that rate?


[this is good] Norweigan Wood also made me feel sort of depressed; I like his other stuff much better.

Feeding a Yen has been on my to-read list for ages. Trillin does a private walking + tasting tour of lower NYC each year for the New Yorker Festival and it always sells out in two minutes flat. He sounds like a fantastic tour guide.


Interesting. Norwegian Wood is my favorite one from Murakami. It's true that it's a very sad story but I felt it very beautiful at the same time. Maybe something is lost in translation.


I thought it was quite lovely as well; I just tend to read a lot more non-fiction than fiction, and the non-fiction generally isn't too depressing overall, as it tends to be about people loving to eat food. :)

So I think it was a bit of a shock for me to read something that was just so sad.


[this is good] I agree that Norweigan Wood really wasn't the most uplifting of books.  Next time go for Kafka on The Shore or Windup Bird Chronicles.   Though I have to say that my non-fiction reading is usually more depressing than my fiction reading - stuff like surviving the Khmer Rouge.

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