Since I am, as ever, a pawn of the music bloggers, I read this list of the 25 hip-hop albums of all time, and then, I bought Digable Planets' Blowout Comb the next chance I got. And it's so great.
OMG twist! R Kelly, the M Night Shyamalan of R&B? Watch "Same Girl", R Kelly feat. Usher. Watch the ending!
If I weren't a fan of the Dirty Projectors, I might think that the concept of their new album--a reinterpretation of Black Flag's Damaged, made without listening to the original album, recorded on a four-track that Dave Longstreth picked up mid-inspiration at the local music shop (apparently), but with merely a 25-year-old memory of said album and its songs & lyrics--that concept, well, I might find it a bit pretentious. And I'm not going to say that it isn't, but I am going to say that I loved e.g. The Getty Address enough to give it the benefit of the doubt. (Listen to "No More".)