Cocktails, on the phone: the future is truly here!
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Cocktails--my absolute favorite iPhone app, both for reference (while at the store, looking to buy everything I need to make a cocktail) and for browsing fun--just got a recent upgrade. Along with the usual bug fixes, speed improvements, &c., they've added a new collection of recipes, which they're calling the Contemporary Masters series:
Our inaugural release includes a generous 78 recipes from Seattle mixologist Jamie Boudreau. We’re confident you will find in his recipes a rich trove of fresh ideas and techniques. In another first, we’re implementing in this release our first real batch of ingredient recipes: formulations for extraordinary ingredients you make yourself, ahead of time.
The drink I'm most excited to try is the Twelve Five Cocktail, a mixture of scotch, absinthe, Punt e Mes, and Benedictine.
Scotch and Absinthe - Whew! Will probably try it sometime, not on a weekday for sure :)
I hadn't realized till recently that Absinthe wasn't really illegal anymore.I'm still not sure if usual stores (like BevMo) carry it around here, do they?
Posted by: Rahul | September 25, 2008 at 10:18 PM
Yep, you can buy absinthe at BevMo (as of 8-12 months ago, I think, at least in most states).
They almost always have Lucid and Kubler, now, and they're starting to get some additional brands, like Le Tourment and St. George. I've been using Kubler, because it's pretty easy to find, tasty, and, frankly, the least expensive.
Posted by: btrott | September 25, 2008 at 10:26 PM