I'm loving Lloyd's Lessons in Love, even though there's something a little exhausting about it (in a reach-for-a-cigarette kind of way).
In addition to the always-fabulous "Girls Around the World" (best song of the spring/summer, I think), my current favorite is "Year of the Lover", which features this (slightly ridiculous) opener:
Don't make plans for dinner--
I'm a put you up on the stove and take off all of your clothes;
Girl, watch me cook.
And speaking of, um, mood music, I'm always reminded of one of my favorite Amazon reviews of all time, this one for MC Solaar's Prose Combat (a fantastic album in its own right):
Here is what I did: I took "Lover's Rock" and "Diamond Life" and "The Best of Sade" and "Seal" and a French Rap CD called "Prose Combat" by MC Solaar, put them all in my 5-CD changer and put it on automatic shuffle. I had this girl over for dinner who I met in a department store when I was downtown shopping. I got some oysters from the fish store, sliced 'em open on the half-shell, cracked open a bottle of Asti Spumante (that's Italian Champagne) and dimmed the lights. This whole scenario was straight out of this book I read called "9 Free Secrets of New Sensual Power" which is basically some kind of sex-memoir/instruction book for higher consciousness, that is DOPE! So she comes over and I light some candles, we start dancing to all that Sade music and that killer-sexy French rap (that the guy in the book also turned me onto,) and one thing just naturally led to another, just like it said he would ...