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September 14, 2009


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Andrew Anker

Beyond lovely. Wonderful.


Hendrick's: great Scotland product.

Suvir Saran

Did you fry the chicken in a cast iron skillet? That makes a great difference with the crust.

Also, I picked up from a seasoned cook, who had learned from a famous cook of the South, to choke the cast iron pan full of chicken pieces. For this, they quickly add around 8 pieces of chicken, a whole chicken, into the pan at once. This takes the oil from 375˚F to 300˚F as you place the last piece into the oil. And then you cook away, turning after you see a nice rich golden brown just below the surface of the oil. you do not want to turn too early. And then cook the other side.

You will see that the crunchy factor just gets better in cast iron.

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